THE NFG Starving Challenge

Say Good-bye
to those extra
pounds forever

What is the
NFG starving challenge About?

The NFG Starving Challenge is not just a competition. Participants can free themselves of their addictions that make their lives so bitter. Nowadays, people are greedy and they starve for more money, more success, more cigarettes, more alcohol or more food.

However, The NFG Starving Challenge teaches your mind to tolerate and fight the feeling of greed caused by our desires. Not only can you shed the excess pounds, you can also break your old self-destructive habits and gain a much stronger mind in just six weeks. Spiritual teachers say it takes 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve ,but I chose to double this amount of time. We’re giving you 42 days to start the change and show your mind who wears the pants! Remember that, your mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.
„Give yourself a chance to face your inner monster and fight it, because it’s responsible for your weaknesses.”

The NFG Starving Challenge is a six-week diet competition where your outcome doesn’t depend on judges, only on you. Contestants can experience the thrill of competing, and achieve their long-awaited goals: they can get fit, become slimmer and even healthier than they have been dreaming of for years or decades. It gives you special and inexperienced energy that will bring you all success.

IT's time for you to defeat your inner monster.

„The bone-thin giant represents our inner monster who feeds off our weaknesses. The barbed fence shows that we can’t escape. It’s time to face our fears and defeat the inner monster.”

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Top Weight-Loss Transformations

Get inspired by the most amazing results

Nagy Ferenc Gábor

About Me
We need to dig deeper in order to understand where the idea of The NFG Starving Challenge came from. I have been doing sports since I was a little kid and competing has always been a part of my everyday life. Sports for me is like air, an essential part of my daily life. I never think about whether to do it or not; it just comes naturally. As a professional sportsman, I always had to pay attention to my bodyweight and shape, so I know the hardships of diets pretty well. Later, I not only paid attention to my shape, but also my trainees’. If they took my advice, they could successfully become fit. I have always believed in myself, my K1 and MMA competitors and my clients; their target weight is attainable.


“After having changed her attitude and diet, not only did her health condition start to improve, she also gained more confidence. At the same time, more and more obese people were joining my NFG training sessions, which made me realize the core of the problem they all shared: They all turned to food due to lack of love or success.

Meanwhile, I did some research and the results were shocking. Based on statistics, Hungary has the highest rate of alcoholism and suicide in Europe. Then, after further research, I also found out that the proportion of obese people is the largest in Hungary.  

Since people have lost their hope for a better life, they have taken refuge and found peace in alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or food.” – Thomas was reading the latest post by N.F.G., the renowned mentor. The teachings that initiated the transformation of the protagonist came at the best time of his life, as he found himself facing a huge problem in his early twenties.

The “inner monster” has fattened him by almost more than four hundred pounds; the reader can now gain an insight into the process of his battle with this huge beast. The story is based on real events so that it can be a guide for anyone to show the way to a more beautiful and better life.


Sign up today.

Flex Gym 1012, Budapest Márvány street 17.

Start date:
2023. September 9. Saturday

End date:
2023. October 21. Saturday

Deadline for signing up:
2023. October 28. Friday 00:00

Contact details

Phone: +36 70 6390 709


Adress: Flex Gym 1012, Budapest Márvány street 17.